1.Hazardous:division 1 &2,or 20,21,&22; 2.Explosive gas atmosphers: classⅡA ⅡB ⅡC orinflammable dust environment; 3.Temperature class:T1~T4/T5/T6; 4.Widely using in the fields of oil ,Chemical industry, spaceflight, war ind-ustry and so on. BYY防**标志灯/防**安全出口产品特点 Featrues 1.壳体采用高强度合金铝一次性压铸成型,表面经高速抛丸清理后高压静电喷塑。
外壳结构紧凑合理、材质密度高强度好、 防**性能优良,表面塑粉附着力强具有良好的防腐能力,表面光洁,美观大方; 2.采用高亮度发光板,具有低功耗,长帮寿命,免维护等特点; 3.内装免维护镍氢电池组,正常自动充电,事故或停电时自动点亮指示工作; 4.诱导指示标志由用户自由选择: 5.钢管或电缆布线. 1.Shell made of high strength aluminum alloy *ting off the surface after blast cleaning by high voltage electrostatic spray.Shell compact structure, high density material strength, Explosion-proof performance, the surface of plastic powderadhesion ability with good anti-corrosion, the surface smooth, elegant appearance; 2.Inducing signals can be selected by users; 3.LED lighting diode, is in low consumption, the life can be up to 1000 hours long emergency time and it is non-maintenance; 4.Built-in normal condition and auto -lighting while accident happened or power tic ally in normal condition and auto-lightingwhile accident happened or power is failure conditions; 5.Wiring with steel tube of cable. BYY防**标志灯/防**安全出口主要技术参数 Main technical parameters 电压(V)Voltage 光源 Luminaries 功率(W) Power 应急时间 emergency lamp(min) 正常 Normal 应急 Emergency 正常/应急 normal/ emergency 正常 normal 应急 emergency 220 DC3.6 发光板 light board 3 3 90 防**标志 Ex-mark 进线口螺纹 Inlet thread (G") 电缆外径 Cable outer dia.(mm) ExdⅡBT6等效于 Ⅱ2G ExdⅡBT6(欧标) ExdeⅡBT6等效于 Ⅱ2G ExdeⅡBT6(欧标) ExdⅡCT6等效于 Ⅱ2G ExdⅡCT6(欧标) DIP A20 TA,T6等效于 Ⅱ1D ExtD A20 T6(欧标) 3/4" φ10~φ14 BYY防**标志灯/防**安全出口外形及安装尺寸 Outline & installation dimensions 售后保障:浙江腾达防**电气有限公司拥有严谨、规范的质量体系及完善的科学管理制度。